Monday, August 20, 2012

Goodbye For Now, Mom


My mother passed from this life into her Savior Jesus' arms early yesterday morning.  Though I miss having her here with us, I celebrate knowing she is totally free and more alive than she's ever been, experiencing all the glory of heaven. 

I've realized through the years how blessed I have been to have the parents I have had.  Mom's whole life was devoted mostly to her five children.  She so encouraged us, supported us, trained us, challenged us and loved us.  I will always be most grateful to her for encouraging me to attend some meetings by Campus Crusade for Christ when I was a senior in high school.  In my own heart, I was feeling such a strong urge to really know God, to get close to Him, to feel loved by Him.  Even though I went to church every Sunday, I did not have a personal relationship with God.  It was more a religious ritual.

I finally did attend those meetings where they spoke the truth from God's Word telling me that Christ, who is God and was perfect in every way, humbled Himself, came to earth in human form, shed His blood on the cross paying the price for my sin and every human being ever created. 

With a childlike heart, I received His forgiveness for every wrong thing I have said and done and asked Him to come into my life to be my Savior and my Lord.  Jesus is my life now.  I am experiencing a love that is from heaven, far beyond anything this world has to offer.  My heart is full and free and satisfied with Jesus as my best friend. 

Mom, I am eternally grateful to you for all the ways you have impacted my life and I am so thankful for the hope I have to see you again someday when I enter my eternal home in heaven. 

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