Friday, December 3, 2010

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas

My oh my oh my, have we got the snow!!! John and Joanna can hardly keep up to the snowplowing and the shoveling to be done around our house and in the dog yard. John has already plowed five times this year and December has just begun. Just to give you an idea how far ahead we are from last year, he only plowed four times all year last year.

We also pack miles and miles of trails for Joanna to train the dogs for races and for dog sled trips for our guests. So, the snowmobile is getting a work out too. The other day I rode with John on the snowmobile to pack a trail and we found a beautiful vista overlooking neighboring Mamieguess Lake. The second picture above is what we saw.

Joanna has to come up with creative ways to wear out her active new Irish Setter puppy, so she hooked her up with Sabre to a little sled and away she went. I think Sabre was the powerhouse of the team, but at least little Saga got some pent up energy expelled. An exercised dog is a well behaved dog they say.

I do love the winter wonderland in which we live. Just looking out our front windows at the glistening snow resting on evergreen limbs, sparkling on the river and neatly covering the ground with its fresh whiteness brings peace and joy to my soul. We don't run the generators during the day in winter, but run on our solar power. So, that adds to the restful silence of our surroundings. We wish more people could come away and enjoy the benefits of this time of year with us.

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