Friday, May 3, 2013

Weather Update

Folks are getting a bit nervous about opening fishing and whether or not the ice will be out on the lakes, and understandably so.  This is probably setting records for snow and ice to still be around at this late date.  However, we are seeing some positive signs of weather change which gives us great hope that indeed we will have open lakes for our guests coming for opening fishing season this year. 

Just a few days ago, we had temperatures as high as the low 70's cutting the snow and ice and then we had a day of strong rain which took it down even more.  As you can see from the pictures I posted, we are now looking at bare ground at camp.  This happened in only a few days where we previously had several feet of snow. 

The ice on the lakes is changing color too indicating it is melting.  We don't exactly know the depth of the ice, but probably around two feet at the moment, probably less on the smaller lakes.

It is predicted that we will again have some nice temps coming on next week starting Monday.  That will hasten the removal of snow and ice.  Once the snow is melted north of us on the 325 road, I will scoot around with a four wheeler and take pictures of the different lakes to keep you informed of what is happening in our neck of the woods. 

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