Friday, November 11, 2011

Moose Hunters

Resident Canadians who already have their tags can stay with us here at Agimac River Outfitters to hunt WMU 15A. They all did pretty well with most of them getting a moose and for sure seeing quite a few of them even if they weren't able to shoot one.

Non resident moose hunters from the U.S. do their hunting where we have moose tags, about 300 miles north of us, about where the gravel road ends at Stirland Lake. They all bring their own camping supplies, canoes, four wheelers, even generators to be self sufficient.

Scott Bertrand got a nice bull moose which is shown in the first picture above. Another group had a bit of a scare when two older gentlemen were motoring back in their canoe up the river after dark and hit a rock. The canoe capsized and a lot of their gear went down. They grabbed their motor and put it on a rock to mark where it capsized and began paddling. The only problem is that they were disoriented and were paddling in the wrong direction. They were cold and wet and now moving further from their destination. The guys back at camp figured there was something wrong, so they drove their pickup trucks over to the boat landing and shone their headlights out into the dark. Fortunately, the men in the canoe saw the lights, turned around and made it safely to shore.

Aside from that harrowing adventure, they had a blast catching northern pike, and watching a beautiful northern lights display, pictured above. They saw quite a few moose, but weren't able to get close enough for a good shot. However, I'm sure they went home with memories they will never forget.

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