Tuesday, September 6, 2011

What a Surprise!

On Sunday, September 4th I had invited my friend Linda Micks from Ignace to come out for a visit and to stay overnight. We wanted to join her in celebrating her birthday which was September 4th, just two days before mine. She and I have both just joined the ranks of those in their 60's. Quite a milestone. She got here about 11:30 a.m and we sat around for awhile visiting and catching up on what was happening in each others lives.

After about an hour, Joanna asked Linda if she wanted to go up to see the dogs in the dog yard. She asked if I wanted to go too. I declined as it was rather cool out and I didn't want to put my outdoor shoes back on. While they were gone, I went downstairs to take care of something I noticed needed fixing in the basement. Then I heard John come in from outside. He called down to me and asked if I wanted to come see something cute in the dog yard. I said okay and started up the stairs.

Once I reached the top of the stairs, all of a sudden there was a loud yelling of the word "SURPRISE!!!!" from a large group of people behind me. I jumped and opened my mouth wide as my heart leaped within me. I turned to see about 12 people standing by the door and realized it was a surprise birthday party for me! I was so stunned, my legs would barely hold me up. John said he will never forget the look on my face and my bodily reaction. Linda had her camera in hand and captured my startled look. It was pretty funny. They got me good. I don't know how that many people drove into our place and walked into our house without me hearing them. It was amazing. Needless to say, I was very touched. It was John's idea and between Joanna and my friend Beth Drake, they planned a super fun party. We barbequed hamburgers, went for a hike to the falls and played some games.

It is an experience I will never forget. Thank you John and Joanna.

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